When you begin your career, you are all geared up and energetic. You keep moving ahead in the organisation ladder and finally reach the position you want to be in. However, you may realise that you no longer have the drive in your career. You are no longer motivated to go to work. That is when the actual stress starts to show.
This is the formal start of a mid-life career crisis, which many tend to ignore. If you fail to realize this stress, this can turn into health problems like heart issues and Diabetes. It’s best to think of a career change.
Read on to find out the various ways in which you could tackle a mid-life career change.
Explore why you are facing this crisis
Before you decide to shift jobs, understand why you are going through this crisis. Is it because the company culture is not encouraging anymore? Or your skill set has become redundant, and others with higher skills have gained advantage over your position?
It’s possible that the management position you asked for is not giving you the creative fulfillment or the job satisfaction you need. Stop and take a moment to think and reflect on your aspirations. With a clear goal and direction, explore for solutions accordingly. Consider upgrading your skills by taking courses. Trust that you will now be in a better position to pursue your passion and professional development.
Do you want to continue in a full-time job or go Freelance
Perhaps you are in the career phase that requires you to take a break. It is important to take a step back to assess your personal and professional needs during this time. You may wish to take a break and look for your next job with clarity of what you want after that break.
Alternatively, you may opt for the flexibility of working from home by freelancing. There are a lot of job skills that allow you to work from home and open up the opportunities to pursue your interest in your free time. It is up to you to decide which option would suit you the most.
Consider looking for a Life Coach Course Singapore to boost your confidence and develop strategies for achieving success.
Go for further education
If you think nothing can help your career at this point, you should consider taking an online course. The advantage of opting for such courses is that you can do them without leaving your present job. Once your course is over, you can look for better job opportunities. Or you could even showcase your new found skills and ask your company to give you a better position!
Check your finances
No change is possible unless you have the finances to back it up. Go through your account to see if you can accommodate the change without burning a hole in your pocket. The general rule of thumb is to have enough savings to be able to last you for 6 months of living expenses. Also, have an open and honest discussion with your family because this change will also impact their lives. If a massive change is required in the lifestyle, it is best to confide in them first. Ultimately, your loved ones will be your emotional support throughout this change.
Summing up
Career change is a big risk that may or may not work. You have to be mentally prepared to face the consequences of setbacks and challenges. Remember that success is never guaranteed but we are in control of our efforts. Proceed with caution and be patient, as the results may take time.
You can go for life coaching to control your emotions during this transition phase. This would provide you with mental strength, and the mindset growth to move ahead without any regrets.